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Unable to Turn on the Glasses

  • Check the battery power. Recharge the battery if the power is exhausted.

Unable to Take Video/Photo

  • Check if the memory card is full. Delete or remove the previous video/photo files to recover memory space for your glasses.

No Audio during Video Playback


  • If you play back videos with the mobile app, but cannot hear the accompanying audio, be sure the ringer on your mobile device is turned on.

Auto Shut-Off

  • Check the battery power. Recharge the battery if the power is exhausted. If the camera auto shuts-off on “record video” mode, check if the MicroSD card is full. You can delete or move the previous video/photo files to your computer hard disk to make memory space.

External Drive of Glasses is Not Found in Windows or Mac

  • Check whether the USB connection is working correctly: if the red indicator light isn’t on, the glasses are not connected to your computer. Try to connect the glasses to another USB port or connect the glasses to a different PC or Mac. Most problems can be solved by resetting. Simply reset the glasses by pressing the RESET button. Resetting will not erase the photos and videos stored in the MicroSD card of the glasses. If the reset procedure does not work, charge the battery and try again.

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